
Super Secret Sveltekit Incubation Project (SSSIP) [contextually relevant slogan]

You'll see it when it's out

Phoenix for Lemmy Modern iOS app for the Lemmy Fediverse

I built this more or less after the news of Reddit cutting off support for third party app clients.

I figured, if I'm going to try and move to an alternative platform, it would be a nice opportunity to make an app for it that I'd want to use.

Built with Xcode and pure Swift/SwiftUI

Channers Simple lightweight read-only client

The first Xcode SwiftUI app I ever built. I choose this site to build around because it's client was simple and didn't have too many endpoints to be overwhelming. I will admit it was tough trying to test things having to look at this site, but I adapt and overcome

I suppose.

Charm for Unity Charm Fork to enable map/static porting to Unity

Intermission project (???) I made because I had a big motivation push to build Unity games using Destiny assets (more or less a result of how FOMOhour turned out). Depending on when you read this it may be updated for the latest Charm version, or it's still broken.

FomoHour A silly Destiny 2 fangame for silly people

Built in 3 days in Unity for my high school CS final, models made in Blender, and it's just overall really silly true? yes.

Verbatim bot (No longer active) Discord bot built to spread messages across connected servers

First Discord bot I built for someone else. (The real first Discord bot I made was for my school server). Made with Discord.py before I understood how to read framework documentation, so it's full of if/elseif to parse text commands haha. Hosted it on Heroku while it was alive.

Silly sites

Built these for a college class, but really it was an excuse to have fun (DESIGNED FOR DESKTOP AND WILL BREAK ON MOBILE)

Kana Typing
